Each portion of your brain is responsible for storing a particular type of memory. In order to function correctly, your brain must have the ability to pull out considerably important info such as birth dates, faces etc. In order to formulate the ability to recall data without delay, you should do exercises designed to help you improve your memory. Once or twice a week, you'll definitely find yourself trying to locate your car keys by searching every possible location within your house and then ultimately finding them in your main drawer. Or sometimes, you can even make severe blunders like asking your boss about his wife when he'd already told you a week ago that his wife had cleaned him up in their divorce case. But do not despair even if you're memory is not that great. You can resort to various exercises which deal with distributing knowledge in regards to how to improve the memory. Memory increasing tools can be adopted by almost anybody looking to build upon his or her natural brain power and provides numerous long term benefits.
How 2 Improve Memory
Every memory augmenting exercise will be based upon three factors; association, imagination as well as location.
You can just as well compare it with the century old story of attaching a string to your finger in order to prevent you from forgetting things. Although this particular proverb seems hilarious to some, the logic involved in its development is sound. The basic theory relates to placing an object near you that will primarily attempt to force you to remember particular things. The object that will 'shock' your memory will basically be a the same as tying a thread around your fingers to keep you from forgetting things. A string, in this case, has been used as an example. The choice of objects or visual reminders does not really matter except the fact that they should serve their purpose. If you wear a ring in your left hand then wearing it in your right might do the trick. On the other hand, utilizing any item already present in your surroundings can also do the trick. A good example would be placing something on your dashboard right before parking your car at work in the morning. When getting back inside the car, you will remove the item from the dashboard and will finally figure out that you need to pick up your laundry.
Experts also regard the utlization of association in conjunction with visualization as an excellent way to improve your memory. Words can be converted into images in order to make you remember them more easily. Consider a situation in which you have to remind yourself of a doctor's appointment. The first and foremost thing to do is to figure out some sort of corresponding image to the word '3'. For example, think about the story of the three little pigs and try to visualize them in your head. The key is to think of an image which is special to you thereby making it easier for you to remember. Consequently, while thinking about your appointment, you will be sure to remember the time as well because of the corresponding image of the three little pigs.
As has been mentioned earlier, the location method or the loci method is yet another efficient approach for memory increase. This method was devised by Greek orators and was also employed by Socrates. By taking tours of their houses, they would try to appoint a single label to every room in the house. They would normally associate images with words and then try to remember those words by looking at the images which in this case were rooms in their houses. Although the primary impact of the location method is to provide a starting point for remembering information, it can also assist you in deciphering one mnemonic from another. Distinguishing between mnemonics becomes easier when you can place them within separate categories such as town, cities, rooms etc.
The location method inculcates implicit memory which is basic explanation why it has a high success rate. Basically, you can easily retain and recall implicit memories because you will not have to force yourself to remember them. This is precisely why experts recommend the use of locations that you are extremely familiar with. On the other hand, children can just as easily use the loci method as adults can.
From an overall perspective, these methods are amongst the many diverse techniques that can be employed by individuals to step-up your memory. The quickest way to see any real results in the way that you remember things is to include these activities within your daily regiment.
Sabtu, 25 November 2017
Senin, 06 November 2017
Expand Your Learning-Style Study Habits and You May Improve Your Learning Ability!
Multiple learning styles and "multiple intelligences" used for developing study habits is a relatively new approach. Educators have only recently recognized the brain activity proof to re-evaluate traditional schooling and its emphasis on Linguistic and Logical teaching methods. Research shows that once you recognize your own learning styles, you can use techniques better suited to you and expand your style with additional ones. You can try to improve your learning ability by involving more of the brain during studying as research shows that each learning style uses different parts of the brain and, by involving more, we remember more.
According to this current research, learning ability may be enhanced by developing mixed-style study habits that will see you through many varied learning experiences. The seven styles of learning, or what researchers call "multiple intelligences," are the following:
Verbal (linguistic) Style. A method using words both in speech and writing. This style is common to traditional education.
Logical (mathematical) Style. A method using reasoning, logic and systems. This style is common to traditional education.
Visual (spatial) Style. A method using images, pictures and spatial understanding.
Aural (auditory-musical) Style. A method using sound and music.
Physical (kinesthetic) Style. A method using a sense of touch via your hands and body.
Solitary (intrapersonal) Style. A method of learning alone with self-study techniques.
Social (interpersonal) Style. A method of learning in groups or with another or other people.
Each one of us prefers different learning styles as our study habits and each of us has a mix of learning styles. You will discover that you have a dominant style with far less use of the other styles. You will also discover that you use different styles in different circumstances. There is no right mix and your styles are not fixed.
Your preferred learning styles have more influence on you than you realize. Not only do they guide the way you learn, they also change the way you represent experiences by the information you recall and the words you choose. However, it is possible to develop ability in your less dominant learning styles and further enhance the styles that you already use. There is a major advantage in doing this. According to recent research, it will improve your learning ability because you involve more parts of the brain used in other learning styles and thus you can remember more.
So now you have a situation in which you need to learn a lot of information. Maybe you need to improve your high school grades, or you're going off to college, or you have a new challenging job. Maybe you want to study for your realtors' license or pass the bar exam. Let's roll up our sleeves and devise some new study habits.
First, manage your time for study periods that spread over lengthy time frames.
Second, organize a study partner or group which will tap into your Social learning style, whereby you gain insights as you share the thinking of others.
Third, you and your study partner or group establish your set purpose to explore and devise multiple learning styles for your study subject by utilizing study techniques from the lesser-used Visual, Aural and Physical styles. Without giving up Logical and Verbal styles, the variation of learning will be stimulating and take some of the tedium of studying away.
Once you have completed your multiple learning styles, you should be set and be able to prove the latest research is correct. in any testing process. Barring any other factors to the contrary, your group should be ahead of the game since you have activated more of your brain in the multiple style learning process and you should remember more of what you learned. It is certainly worth trying!
With your new study habits, you will have bypassed the educational flaws of many schools and universities that rely on classroom and book-based techniques in which students focus primarily on Verbal and Logical learning styles. No longer do we have to adhere to the old rules which resulted in some being labeled "smart" and others labeled "dumb" simply because the multiple levels of their brain's learning styles were not stimulated. Now you have a good chance to improve your learning ability by developing multiple style study habits that will last you a lifetime.
According to this current research, learning ability may be enhanced by developing mixed-style study habits that will see you through many varied learning experiences. The seven styles of learning, or what researchers call "multiple intelligences," are the following:
Verbal (linguistic) Style. A method using words both in speech and writing. This style is common to traditional education.
Logical (mathematical) Style. A method using reasoning, logic and systems. This style is common to traditional education.
Visual (spatial) Style. A method using images, pictures and spatial understanding.
Aural (auditory-musical) Style. A method using sound and music.
Physical (kinesthetic) Style. A method using a sense of touch via your hands and body.
Solitary (intrapersonal) Style. A method of learning alone with self-study techniques.
Social (interpersonal) Style. A method of learning in groups or with another or other people.
Each one of us prefers different learning styles as our study habits and each of us has a mix of learning styles. You will discover that you have a dominant style with far less use of the other styles. You will also discover that you use different styles in different circumstances. There is no right mix and your styles are not fixed.
Your preferred learning styles have more influence on you than you realize. Not only do they guide the way you learn, they also change the way you represent experiences by the information you recall and the words you choose. However, it is possible to develop ability in your less dominant learning styles and further enhance the styles that you already use. There is a major advantage in doing this. According to recent research, it will improve your learning ability because you involve more parts of the brain used in other learning styles and thus you can remember more.
So now you have a situation in which you need to learn a lot of information. Maybe you need to improve your high school grades, or you're going off to college, or you have a new challenging job. Maybe you want to study for your realtors' license or pass the bar exam. Let's roll up our sleeves and devise some new study habits.
First, manage your time for study periods that spread over lengthy time frames.
Second, organize a study partner or group which will tap into your Social learning style, whereby you gain insights as you share the thinking of others.
Third, you and your study partner or group establish your set purpose to explore and devise multiple learning styles for your study subject by utilizing study techniques from the lesser-used Visual, Aural and Physical styles. Without giving up Logical and Verbal styles, the variation of learning will be stimulating and take some of the tedium of studying away.
Once you have completed your multiple learning styles, you should be set and be able to prove the latest research is correct. in any testing process. Barring any other factors to the contrary, your group should be ahead of the game since you have activated more of your brain in the multiple style learning process and you should remember more of what you learned. It is certainly worth trying!
With your new study habits, you will have bypassed the educational flaws of many schools and universities that rely on classroom and book-based techniques in which students focus primarily on Verbal and Logical learning styles. No longer do we have to adhere to the old rules which resulted in some being labeled "smart" and others labeled "dumb" simply because the multiple levels of their brain's learning styles were not stimulated. Now you have a good chance to improve your learning ability by developing multiple style study habits that will last you a lifetime.
Minggu, 22 Oktober 2017
Creative Edible Valentine's Day Treats: Scrapbooking and Paper Crafting
In the crafting world, edible treats have much more to offer than your run of the mill icing layered cookies. Although, those can be great projects for some, the realm of creativity that we can draw from allows much more. And when crafters begin to get creative with words, materials and concepts, the sky actually is the limit: we're made abundant with cute and innovative treats that make our loved ones stop, think and smile before showing their appreciation in return. The kind of impression we can leave on a person when addressing the age old need to be celebrated with a new and creative approach can be breath-taking. Why not try one of the methods below this upcoming holiday and see the results for yourself?
Edible Paper Portraits
This craft idea borrows from modern pastry techniques which allow cake decorators to include elaborate photographs or stenciled edible messages on paper. Whether you choose to use a photo, symbols and or or a simple phrase is a matter of taste. The medium which you'll add the decoration to takes paper-crafting to a new and, optimally, rarely used level- the sugar sheet.
Sugar sheets, otherwise known as wafer paper and edible paper, can be the background for a host of loving phrases or symbols hand-drawn onto the medium. This can be done with less sophisticated techniques than those which replicate an actual photograph. All you'll need is some edible paint, edible paper and creativity. While your health expert may consider this option twice, those who advocate moderation might find it a useful option. Using pastry techniques for hand-painted love allows a crafter to be both inventive and thoughtful in how they present a gift.. And this will be a combination noticed by the lover who receives the indigestible love-note created with these pastry chef methods.
Healthier Options
The raw food necklace is another opportunity to combine taste with creativity. But, it is likely miles apart from "sugar sheets" in terms of health. Your adrenal glands and insulin levels may send waves of energetic thanks in your direction when you choose this edible "leather" option as an alternative to the edible paper one described above. The edible leather is, in fact, very similar to a "fruit roll-up" snack and is a delicious way to have a medium for further crafting or a snack in itself. Rolled up and over itself, the dehydrated large fruit square can become a necklace or a bracelet. It can also become shapes for letters or be used as a medium to add edible paint, color and symbols to present a full picture.
Edible Paper Portraits
This craft idea borrows from modern pastry techniques which allow cake decorators to include elaborate photographs or stenciled edible messages on paper. Whether you choose to use a photo, symbols and or or a simple phrase is a matter of taste. The medium which you'll add the decoration to takes paper-crafting to a new and, optimally, rarely used level- the sugar sheet.
Sugar sheets, otherwise known as wafer paper and edible paper, can be the background for a host of loving phrases or symbols hand-drawn onto the medium. This can be done with less sophisticated techniques than those which replicate an actual photograph. All you'll need is some edible paint, edible paper and creativity. While your health expert may consider this option twice, those who advocate moderation might find it a useful option. Using pastry techniques for hand-painted love allows a crafter to be both inventive and thoughtful in how they present a gift.. And this will be a combination noticed by the lover who receives the indigestible love-note created with these pastry chef methods.
Healthier Options
The raw food necklace is another opportunity to combine taste with creativity. But, it is likely miles apart from "sugar sheets" in terms of health. Your adrenal glands and insulin levels may send waves of energetic thanks in your direction when you choose this edible "leather" option as an alternative to the edible paper one described above. The edible leather is, in fact, very similar to a "fruit roll-up" snack and is a delicious way to have a medium for further crafting or a snack in itself. Rolled up and over itself, the dehydrated large fruit square can become a necklace or a bracelet. It can also become shapes for letters or be used as a medium to add edible paint, color and symbols to present a full picture.
Jumat, 06 Oktober 2017
Memory Enhancement Technique: The Simplest Technique Sure to Help You Remember More
Do You Worry Your Memory isn't what it used to be?
Whether you're five, 55, or 100, you're learning something new every day. But much of what goes in your brain just seeps back out unless you figure out how to remember and recall that information.
Perhaps like so many others you worry your memory isn't what it used to be. Relax. You can remember anything you put your mind to. The trick is to choose one thing to focus on, and apply the simplest memory technique you'll ever use to put it to memory.
So what is it you'd like to remember? For me it was putting to memory the location of a Costco in another town with a gas station. In this article I'll show you how I applied 'the simplest memory technique you'll ever use' to find my way.
When You Have a Reason to Remember, You'll Be Motivated to put Your Mind to the Test
You can remember anything that's important for you to remember. It's just that most of the time it's not important. Unless you have a purpose or reason for remembering, you'll lack the motivation to do so. Once you find your reason to remember something, you'll discover your motivation to apply this fun and simple memory technique.
My motivation for taking the time to use this memory technique came on a recent trip to visit my 94-year old father in my hometown. With gas prices so high, I wanted to remember where the Costco with the gas station was located. Truth be told, I've visited and asked for directions to this Costco many times before and failed to put the directions to memory. This time, however, it was important enough for me to take the worry out of finding the best gas prices for me to finally decide to use what I know and create an image that sticks.
The Brain Doesn't Remember Facts, It Remembers Meaning
What I know is the brain doesn't remember facts, it remembers meaning--and strong visual images. If I want to remember facts, like driving directions, I need to create a picture story to associate with the thing I'm trying to put to memory. The more meaning we give something through creating stories, associations and visual images, the easier it is to remember and recall that information.
The Simplest Memory Technique You'll Ever Use
The simplest memory technique you'll ever use is based on the old adage, 'a picture is worth a thousand words': You create a picture story to associate with whatever it is you want to remember and recall. The more outlandish the picture story, the easier it is to remember.
Driving directions, like phone numbers or credit card numbers, are just a bunch of facts. If I was to finally get myself to remember the route to the Costco with the gas station I needed to get creative and create a picture story to help me see and remember the route. I needed to remember two roads--highway 84 and Middlefield road--and I needed a way to link them together in my memory.
How Sylvia, the Wily, Wise-cracking Cartoon Character Helped me Find Costco
I let my mind play with associations between the two roads. I thought '84' was like middle age, and that made me think of Sylvia, the wily wise-cracking character. She certainly would think 84 was middle age. That made me smile--and I knew I was on my way to creating an image I wouldn't forget.
I blazed the image of Sylvia riding a rocket down highway 84, holding a martini, and turning right on Middlefield road. I always thought martinis tasted like gasoline so this added to the image of being on route to the gas station.
As you can see, I haven't forgotten the picture story,or my way to the Costco gas station--and I won't. I've used two of three keys to memory-my imagination and creating an association, to apply the simplest memory technique I'll ever use.
Memories Associated with Images
Now before you think you aren't creative enough to come up with good visual images, trust your brain, and trust yourself! Our brains are amazing in how easily they pull up memories associated with images. You don't have to make up your own mental pictures; you can borrow from the images around you. I did. Sylvia's image and humor has been passed around the internet for ages.
By putting your imagination to work for you creating zany, silly, or bizarre images associated with what you need to remember and recall you can create easy to pull up images.
What Do You Want to Remember and Recall?
What's been stressing you about something you keep forgetting? What do you need to get into your memory and be able to recall at will? How can you use your imagination and association to create an image that will stick?
Go ahead-have fun creating a picture story to help you remember and recall one thing of importance. Start with something small. You'll be amazed at what a boost in confidence it gives you.
Whether you're five, 55, or 100, you're learning something new every day. But much of what goes in your brain just seeps back out unless you figure out how to remember and recall that information.
Perhaps like so many others you worry your memory isn't what it used to be. Relax. You can remember anything you put your mind to. The trick is to choose one thing to focus on, and apply the simplest memory technique you'll ever use to put it to memory.
So what is it you'd like to remember? For me it was putting to memory the location of a Costco in another town with a gas station. In this article I'll show you how I applied 'the simplest memory technique you'll ever use' to find my way.
When You Have a Reason to Remember, You'll Be Motivated to put Your Mind to the Test
You can remember anything that's important for you to remember. It's just that most of the time it's not important. Unless you have a purpose or reason for remembering, you'll lack the motivation to do so. Once you find your reason to remember something, you'll discover your motivation to apply this fun and simple memory technique.
My motivation for taking the time to use this memory technique came on a recent trip to visit my 94-year old father in my hometown. With gas prices so high, I wanted to remember where the Costco with the gas station was located. Truth be told, I've visited and asked for directions to this Costco many times before and failed to put the directions to memory. This time, however, it was important enough for me to take the worry out of finding the best gas prices for me to finally decide to use what I know and create an image that sticks.
The Brain Doesn't Remember Facts, It Remembers Meaning
What I know is the brain doesn't remember facts, it remembers meaning--and strong visual images. If I want to remember facts, like driving directions, I need to create a picture story to associate with the thing I'm trying to put to memory. The more meaning we give something through creating stories, associations and visual images, the easier it is to remember and recall that information.
The Simplest Memory Technique You'll Ever Use
The simplest memory technique you'll ever use is based on the old adage, 'a picture is worth a thousand words': You create a picture story to associate with whatever it is you want to remember and recall. The more outlandish the picture story, the easier it is to remember.
Driving directions, like phone numbers or credit card numbers, are just a bunch of facts. If I was to finally get myself to remember the route to the Costco with the gas station I needed to get creative and create a picture story to help me see and remember the route. I needed to remember two roads--highway 84 and Middlefield road--and I needed a way to link them together in my memory.
How Sylvia, the Wily, Wise-cracking Cartoon Character Helped me Find Costco
I let my mind play with associations between the two roads. I thought '84' was like middle age, and that made me think of Sylvia, the wily wise-cracking character. She certainly would think 84 was middle age. That made me smile--and I knew I was on my way to creating an image I wouldn't forget.
I blazed the image of Sylvia riding a rocket down highway 84, holding a martini, and turning right on Middlefield road. I always thought martinis tasted like gasoline so this added to the image of being on route to the gas station.
As you can see, I haven't forgotten the picture story,or my way to the Costco gas station--and I won't. I've used two of three keys to memory-my imagination and creating an association, to apply the simplest memory technique I'll ever use.
Memories Associated with Images
Now before you think you aren't creative enough to come up with good visual images, trust your brain, and trust yourself! Our brains are amazing in how easily they pull up memories associated with images. You don't have to make up your own mental pictures; you can borrow from the images around you. I did. Sylvia's image and humor has been passed around the internet for ages.
By putting your imagination to work for you creating zany, silly, or bizarre images associated with what you need to remember and recall you can create easy to pull up images.
What Do You Want to Remember and Recall?
What's been stressing you about something you keep forgetting? What do you need to get into your memory and be able to recall at will? How can you use your imagination and association to create an image that will stick?
Go ahead-have fun creating a picture story to help you remember and recall one thing of importance. Start with something small. You'll be amazed at what a boost in confidence it gives you.
Minggu, 24 September 2017
Crafting Double Meaning Snacks: Holidays And More Scrapbook Occasions
The double entendres of the world are made for holidays like Valentine's Day; this is one holiday which combines mystery, romance and leaves room for a bit of naughty cheekiness. What may come as a surprise to some is that the tame scope of double meaning rhymes and limericks are not exactly rare or non-existent. And, these too, can move to center stage and occupy the spaces where no controversy is needed: spaces where children can participate in gift giving to parents, to teachers and observe the relatively harmless exchanges between adults in their lives. Some of those tension free gifts can include edible treats providing the second half of the dual meaning which is ascribed to these Valentines gifts.
And, thankfully, none of these exchanges will require complex, nervous and awkward explanations to curious children who find themselves already somewhat understanding the underlying essence of words on TV and words exchanged between adults in front of them.
Choosing to combine objects with secondary meaning and phrases allows all of this drama to be escaped while again attracting the positive qualities. These are the responsiveness and interest which can make this option very rewarding between romantic partners themselves. Three responses you may find yourself faced with are amusement, unusual curiosity and welcome gratitude. All in all, people likely to be pleased with something new and different. So, whether you opt to make edible crafts or another holiday gift decision, that fact may be something to keep in mind for the best surprise possible.
Edible Treats With Double Meaning
These edible treats are based on love phrases and can be the perfect opportunity to combine cute, quirky and sentiment. One example of this unique combination is the simple but effective method of combining a crafted apple or a real one with the phrase "you are the apple of my eye." A second example of this combination comes with the phrase "head over heels for you."
A simple way to apply this concept to an edible treat is to use the more difficult to replicate part of the phrase, the high heels, in a photograph with the use of pastry chef techniques to achieve the heel picture. In addition, the crafter can apply a three-dimensional hand crafted head, reminiscent of a small Mr. potato head, and place it above the heels while adding in the phrase below or leaving the meaning open to interpretation from the symbols alone.
Other phrases to consider using with this option include the following:
1. I'm bananas for you.
2. You're one smart cookie.
3. You're the one.
By including a three-dimensional version of the noun in the above phrases and combining this with a love note which makes the figurative literal, you might experience the effect of both nurturing and surprising your special someone with unexpected cuteness.
And, thankfully, none of these exchanges will require complex, nervous and awkward explanations to curious children who find themselves already somewhat understanding the underlying essence of words on TV and words exchanged between adults in front of them.
Choosing to combine objects with secondary meaning and phrases allows all of this drama to be escaped while again attracting the positive qualities. These are the responsiveness and interest which can make this option very rewarding between romantic partners themselves. Three responses you may find yourself faced with are amusement, unusual curiosity and welcome gratitude. All in all, people likely to be pleased with something new and different. So, whether you opt to make edible crafts or another holiday gift decision, that fact may be something to keep in mind for the best surprise possible.
Edible Treats With Double Meaning
These edible treats are based on love phrases and can be the perfect opportunity to combine cute, quirky and sentiment. One example of this unique combination is the simple but effective method of combining a crafted apple or a real one with the phrase "you are the apple of my eye." A second example of this combination comes with the phrase "head over heels for you."
A simple way to apply this concept to an edible treat is to use the more difficult to replicate part of the phrase, the high heels, in a photograph with the use of pastry chef techniques to achieve the heel picture. In addition, the crafter can apply a three-dimensional hand crafted head, reminiscent of a small Mr. potato head, and place it above the heels while adding in the phrase below or leaving the meaning open to interpretation from the symbols alone.
Other phrases to consider using with this option include the following:
1. I'm bananas for you.
2. You're one smart cookie.
3. You're the one.
By including a three-dimensional version of the noun in the above phrases and combining this with a love note which makes the figurative literal, you might experience the effect of both nurturing and surprising your special someone with unexpected cuteness.
Selasa, 05 September 2017
Brain Memory - What Affects It And How You Can Improve It
It is said that the brain is the most complex machine on earth. It is that machine in the human body that is responsible for our every movement, our personality and how best we remember past events. Without the brain's capability to hold the memory of things we have done before, what we intend to do and or even who we all are, then there would be no you and me. As much as we would like to keep our brain memory intact, sometimes we forget stuff and wonder how that happens.
Yes, it is quite okay to forget some basic information that is not relevant to us at that particular moment. For example, it is not a life threatening case when you forget the name of your neighbor who just moved in when you do not cross paths that often. It is not also serious when your brain erases the memory of movies you watched when you were a kid.
But it is quite serious when we forget important stuff like our name, where we live, our relatives and basically what we have been doing for the past one hour. So what affects our brain memory? The brain memory can be affected by a number of things including diseases, accidents and also the kind of lifestyle who choose to live.
When the brain memory is lost as a result of illness such as Alzheimer's disease and or Parkinson disease, then there is little we can do. This is because these diseases have some kind of damage to our brain cells thus leading to long term or permanent memory loss. Head injuries on the other hand can be classified as serious or not. There are head injuries that lead to major damage of the brain thus causing a permanent brain memory loss. The less serious accidents while only cause temporary brain memory loss which the patient can recover as they get better.
When we choose to live the kind of lifestyle that requires heavy drinking as a daily routine, then we are not only damaging our other important body cells but also the brain. Previous researches show that heavy drinkers suffer from memory loss than those who drink occasionally.
So how do we improve our brain memory? There is no trick when it comes to this. All we need to do is to follow a few basic rules and guidelines that will help keep our memory in check. The first thing to do is to never skip on sleep or exercise. The simple exercise we do such as walking or joking helps to increase the oxygen supply in our brain and as a result reduce the chances of getting any disorders that eventually lead to memory loss. Sleep on the other hand ensures that your brain performs at its full capacity.
Yes, it is quite okay to forget some basic information that is not relevant to us at that particular moment. For example, it is not a life threatening case when you forget the name of your neighbor who just moved in when you do not cross paths that often. It is not also serious when your brain erases the memory of movies you watched when you were a kid.
But it is quite serious when we forget important stuff like our name, where we live, our relatives and basically what we have been doing for the past one hour. So what affects our brain memory? The brain memory can be affected by a number of things including diseases, accidents and also the kind of lifestyle who choose to live.
When the brain memory is lost as a result of illness such as Alzheimer's disease and or Parkinson disease, then there is little we can do. This is because these diseases have some kind of damage to our brain cells thus leading to long term or permanent memory loss. Head injuries on the other hand can be classified as serious or not. There are head injuries that lead to major damage of the brain thus causing a permanent brain memory loss. The less serious accidents while only cause temporary brain memory loss which the patient can recover as they get better.
When we choose to live the kind of lifestyle that requires heavy drinking as a daily routine, then we are not only damaging our other important body cells but also the brain. Previous researches show that heavy drinkers suffer from memory loss than those who drink occasionally.
So how do we improve our brain memory? There is no trick when it comes to this. All we need to do is to follow a few basic rules and guidelines that will help keep our memory in check. The first thing to do is to never skip on sleep or exercise. The simple exercise we do such as walking or joking helps to increase the oxygen supply in our brain and as a result reduce the chances of getting any disorders that eventually lead to memory loss. Sleep on the other hand ensures that your brain performs at its full capacity.
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