Multiple learning styles and "multiple intelligences" used for developing study habits is a relatively new approach. Educators have only recently recognized the brain activity proof to re-evaluate traditional schooling and its emphasis on Linguistic and Logical teaching methods. Research shows that once you recognize your own learning styles, you can use techniques better suited to you and expand your style with additional ones. You can try to improve your learning ability by involving more of the brain during studying as research shows that each learning style uses different parts of the brain and, by involving more, we remember more.
According to this current research, learning ability may be enhanced by developing mixed-style study habits that will see you through many varied learning experiences. The seven styles of learning, or what researchers call "multiple intelligences," are the following:
Verbal (linguistic) Style. A method using words both in speech and writing. This style is common to traditional education.
Logical (mathematical) Style. A method using reasoning, logic and systems. This style is common to traditional education.
Visual (spatial) Style. A method using images, pictures and spatial understanding.
Aural (auditory-musical) Style. A method using sound and music.
Physical (kinesthetic) Style. A method using a sense of touch via your hands and body.
Solitary (intrapersonal) Style. A method of learning alone with self-study techniques.
Social (interpersonal) Style. A method of learning in groups or with another or other people.
Each one of us prefers different learning styles as our study habits and each of us has a mix of learning styles. You will discover that you have a dominant style with far less use of the other styles. You will also discover that you use different styles in different circumstances. There is no right mix and your styles are not fixed.
Your preferred learning styles have more influence on you than you realize. Not only do they guide the way you learn, they also change the way you represent experiences by the information you recall and the words you choose. However, it is possible to develop ability in your less dominant learning styles and further enhance the styles that you already use. There is a major advantage in doing this. According to recent research, it will improve your learning ability because you involve more parts of the brain used in other learning styles and thus you can remember more.
So now you have a situation in which you need to learn a lot of information. Maybe you need to improve your high school grades, or you're going off to college, or you have a new challenging job. Maybe you want to study for your realtors' license or pass the bar exam. Let's roll up our sleeves and devise some new study habits.
First, manage your time for study periods that spread over lengthy time frames.
Second, organize a study partner or group which will tap into your Social learning style, whereby you gain insights as you share the thinking of others.
Third, you and your study partner or group establish your set purpose to explore and devise multiple learning styles for your study subject by utilizing study techniques from the lesser-used Visual, Aural and Physical styles. Without giving up Logical and Verbal styles, the variation of learning will be stimulating and take some of the tedium of studying away.
Once you have completed your multiple learning styles, you should be set and be able to prove the latest research is correct. in any testing process. Barring any other factors to the contrary, your group should be ahead of the game since you have activated more of your brain in the multiple style learning process and you should remember more of what you learned. It is certainly worth trying!
With your new study habits, you will have bypassed the educational flaws of many schools and universities that rely on classroom and book-based techniques in which students focus primarily on Verbal and Logical learning styles. No longer do we have to adhere to the old rules which resulted in some being labeled "smart" and others labeled "dumb" simply because the multiple levels of their brain's learning styles were not stimulated. Now you have a good chance to improve your learning ability by developing multiple style study habits that will last you a lifetime.
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